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Book Famous Motivational & Inspirational Speakers

To inject enthusiasm. To stimulate imagination and creativity. To encourage motivation and involvement. Inspired speakers specially chosen for the audience guarantee success.

Mace Speakers are specialists when it comes to finding the right speaker or lecturer for any occasion. A conference. A training programme. A sales meeting. Or any other important gathering. He or she could be a professor in economics. A researcher. A futurologist. Or simply an entertainer. The common denominator is that they can inject enthusiasm and keep their listeners interested.

Top Motivational Speakers, Artists, Seminars, Free Hotel & Conference Booking Service

Founded in 1998 and based in Stockholm Mace Speakers have a wealth of contacts both in Sweden and abroad. New speakers are continuously added to our extensive network.

Most companies and organisations have realised the importance of improving capabilities and skills within the organisation. An enthusiastic speaker acts like a vitamin injection.

To ensure satisfactory results a thorough analysis of the aims is a must. Mace Speakers offer the necessary knowledge and experience. We discuss the goals in depth with each client. It might be to promote good relations in the work place to encourage debate to motivate or to inform.

Speakers for any occasion

A mixture of knowledge and humour is often the best way to pass on a message regardless of subject. The speakers available through Mace Speakers cover a number of social cultural and scientific subjects. Art. Music. Economics. Communication. IT. Europe. The future. The environment. Organisation and leadership. Ethics. Personal development. Health and stress.

Mace Speakers is run by Christina Mace.   Christina has lived and worked in several countries and continents and has a wealth of international contacts. She previously worked as an insurance broker where among other things she was in charge of training and client information.

For booking speakers or more information call 0046-8 22 20 10 or email us at

Contact us today for the best speakers!

Mace Speakers
Svalnäs Allé 6B
SE-18267 Djursholm, Sweden
Phone: +46-8 22 20 10